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New Car Keys


F.D.W.the customer will not charged for any damages that he/she causes Accidentally to thevehicle unless the damages were due to violations of the Greek traffic law or the terms ofparagraph 2 of this agreement. In this case the customer is obligated to cover the amount of100 €.C.D.W.The customer will be charged with the excess amount that is written on the frontpage of this agreement for any damages on the car. That also includes damages caused whileparked and unattended. The customer is liable to pay the total cost of damages if he/sheviolate the Greek traffic law or the terms of paragraph 2 of this rental agreement. In this casethe customer is obligated to cover the amount of E.

2. USE OF THE CAR:All insurance conditions are invalid if
a) the driver or cod driver(s) are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, etc.
b) the vehicle is driven by any other person that the customer and his/her additionalauthorized driver(s)who they are also liable with the customer under his agreement.
c) the vehicle is used to propel or tow any vehicle / trailer or other objects
d)in any race test or contest
e) to transfer or carry heavy-luggage orobjects, inflammable materials, staining or badlysmelling goods, narcotics or animals
f) driving at the beach (sandy, rocky, etc)
g) for damages caused by careless driving or on purpose (i.e.: burned seat from cigarette,damage in the interior of the car
h) to carry passengers in excess of the respective seating capacity
i) in other than a paved road or public highway
j) by any person without lessir's pior permission
k) by less than 21 year of age, unqualified driver

3. In case of accident or any incident (fire, theft, etc.) customer is obliged to:
a) Call the police.
b)Obtain names and addresses of eyewitness and all relevant information from third party orparties.
c)Contact immediately the lessor by phone or any other means.
d) Complete and sign an accident report within 24 hours from the time of the accident ifrequired.
e) Send or give any documents or information related to the accident, and give his/her licensephoto copy to the lesser.

4. MAINTENANCE-REPAIRS:Abnormal wear and caused through negligence will be repaired bythe office's means and paid prior by me. I will undertake no repairs exceeding 3,00 eurounless approved a detailed and receipted invoice.

FULL INSURANCE I undertake to inform,within 24 hours.

6 ACCEPTANCE:I hereby undertake to return the vehicle at the excitation of the rental. 

7.RESPONIBILITY:From the time of signing the present rental agreement till the return of thecar,i will be considered the owner of the vehicle. Consequently i will be responsible for fines,infringements and summons taken against me. Forgery or taking off the Greek TourismOrganizations'signs are absolutely forbidden.Moreover it is strictly forbidden to me toabandon the car.In such case the office will charge me with all the expenses incurred for thecollection of the vehicle and its safe retumn at the office's premises.

8.DURATION OF RENTAL:Contracting parties mutually agree to respect rental period.

9. COMPETENCE:By express agreement in case of any dispute whatsoever arise from thepresent contract,i plead that Greek Courts of Rhodes are the only competent to deal withthe case.COPY of the present has been delivered to the (client)Renter upon signature.

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